Did you ever wonder what it would be like to travel back in time? Back to those pivotal moments that helped shape the face of all things horror? Well, here at Horrorbuzz we do! I mean, come on. Keep up, already.

Thats right. We’re here to help you escape those horrible, “it’s gonna be MAY” meme’s that are currently flooding your timelines and twitter feeds, with another look at this week in Horror History.

May 2

Ari Lehman was born on this day. What makes him so special, you ask? Well, Ari was the first person to even play the role of Jason Voorhees! That’s right, folks. Ari started it all in the famous final scene of 1980’s, “Friday the 13th”, when he emerges from the cold depths of Crystal Lake. Boners beware! You horny teen camp counselors are gonna get it.

Ari Lehman
(actor who portrayed Jason Voorhees in Friday the 13th)
born – 1965

May 3

Oh, man. Back in 1996, the Craft was released in theaters. It reaffirmed my love for witchy, goth looking girls. So much so, that I ended up dating one. She even ended up on one of those makeover episodes on the Jenny Jones show. Fairuza Balk’s, Nancy Downs, was my spirit animal.

TheCraftThe Craft released theatrically – 1996

May 4

On this day, Emily Perkins was born. Sure, you probably remember her from movies like, Juno. But if you’re like me, you remember her from the campy horror flick series, Ginger Snaps. If you’re not like me, change that immediately and watch them. Who doesn’t love a movie about two death obsessed sisters (think Harold, from Harold and Maude), who have to deal a life changing attack from a deadly werewolf? Sign me up!

Emily Perkins
(actress in the Ginger Snaps series of films)
born – 1977

May 5

The Terminator, Aliens, Pumpkinhead, the Color of Night, Alien 3, Tales from the Crypt, Alien vs. Predator, Hellraiser: Hellworld, Scream 3… the list goes on and on. What’s the common factor here? The great, Lance Henriksen! This amazing actor has played a wide array of characters in his storied career. Range? Oh, yeah. He’s got range!

Happy birthday, Lance!

Lance Henriksen
(actor in many horror films)
born -1940


May 6

When you ask some people what comes to mind when they hear the name, “Skid Row”, they will probably start drooling over the thought of Sebastian Bach’s long silky hair and tight leather pants. The others will start singing the title song to the musical adaptation of, Little Shop of Horrors, “Skid Row (Downtown)”.  To be honest, we will accept both answers, but for this week in Horror History we focus on the latter. On this date, the musical premiered Off-Off-Browdway before moving to the Orpheum Theater Off-Broadway, where it played for 5 years and later went on to the silver screen!

Little Shop of Horrors premieres on stage – 1982

May 7

I’m starting to think my editor just wants to out me for the sick, perverted, scumbag that I am (Editor’s Note: The author is correct.)  So, let’s just say this… If you know Traci Lords for her portrayal of Racquel in the movie, Blade, then good for you and let’s just leave it at that!

Traci Lords (actress in Blade)
born – 1968

May 8

Oooo! A vampire movie that doesn’t have Traci Lords in its cast! I can do this!

This famous movies cast boasts the likes of such legendary actors as, Peter Cushing, and the mighty Christopher Lee. This classic flick would mark Christopher Lee’s first outing as the iconic blood sucker. Mr. Lee would go on from this movie to portray Dracula in 9 more films, but this one started it all.

Horror of Dracula
(the first Hammer Horror film)
released theatrically – 1958



That just about does it for this week in Horror History. Make sure to stop by next week when we fuel up our Death DeLorean again, and hit 88mph to bring you some standout moments. Same bat time, same bat channel (actual bats, not Adam West).

About the Author

Ryan is a long time horror movie lover, and Haunt enthusiast from the San Francisco Bay Area. When he's not watching his favorite foreign horror flicks, you can find him singing in his metal band, studying Muay Thai, sipping on fancy cocktails, or taking random Theme-Park and Roller Coaster trips with his group of friends, dubbed, "The Theme Park Fun Brigade".