In Destroy All Humans! your quest is to bring down the fragile human government and harvest the DNA of its puny citizens. While you’re at it, take a break and snatch the two special editions directly from the hands of the earthlings!



Can you truly appreciate the cow? Then our DNA Collector’s Edition is exactly what you need! Are you searching for something extragalactic? Does Furon blood flow through your veins? Then look no further than the Crypto-137 Edition!

Pre-order here:

Destroy All Humans! Crypto-137 Edition
This unique example of human craftsmanship is brought to you by your benevolent Furon overlords! The Crypto-137 Edition will be available at selected retailers for $ 399.99
Game Destroy All Humans!
Crypto-137 Figurine* 23″ high | 12″ diagonal Approx.

Crypto Backpack
6 Lithographs
Eye-popping anti-stress toy
Premium Box 37* / 35″ * 15″ *15 Approx.
Including All In-Game Crypto Skins
*North hemisphere not transparent. No Brain Juice included – sorry.

About the Author

Ethan Allen was born and raised in the south bay (SoCal). At age 5 he was taken to the theater to see Halloween 2. Since that time he hasn’t been able to bite into an apple because of the fear of chomping down into a razor blade. At age 12 he went to his first haunt (Knotts Scary Farm) and only has missed a handful of years since then. Ethan has an unhealthy obsession with Elvira, 80’s slashers, and universal monsters which is borderline creepy.