Picture a calming first-class flight with a refreshing drink in hand when BOOM–out of nowhere a horde of flying sharks piloted by Nazi zombies comes barreling into the plane viciously murdering everyone around you; creating an electric display of excessively pyroclastic proportions. Bodies smashed, slashed, and halved. And the last site you see is an undead, barbaric blonde who is more teeth than face, stabbing you into oblivion. This is but a taste of the exploitative explosion that is Sky Sharks. It is a bloody and irrepressible expedition that isn’t revolutionary, but it’s good for a laugh and is not a bad way to spend an hour and 50 minutes.

In the heart of the Antarctic, a geological expedition uncovers a Nazi base still in operation where soldiers were turned into zombies and sharks into flying machines of destruction. The Nazis, hellbent on world domination, have decided now is the time to strike and give rise to the 1000 year Reich. Sky Sharks touches on a lot of horror/thriller staples: genetic mutations gone wrong, super soldiers that don’t listen, and well-meaning mad scientists… oh my! Sky Sharks doesn’t try anything new or different, but rather takes what works and makes it really ridiculous, and that is what makes it fun.

The action sequences and subsequent deaths in this film are completely over the top. But with a film title like Sky Sharks, you have to assume there will be some psychotic sequences. Trust me when I say there were plenty and they were awesome. My personal favorite death was a mass murder of an entire plane full of people Ghost Ship cable slice style. 

The cast delivered entertaining performances, though I wouldn’t say the performances were life-changing. However, this is no fault of the cast, but rather the nature of the film and the cheesy dialogue. And there were some confusing plot points but honestly, they don’t matter. Anything that was confusing was quickly eliminated when a flying shark appeared, violence ensued, and I forgot what it even was that I was confused about. 

Sky Sharks is visually quite pleasing. There is heavy color saturation, strong color contrasts, and gorgeously grotesque zombie makeup and fx. All this set to catchy electronic music gives the film a strong video game vibe. And honestly, this would probably be a pretty fun video game. Activision Blizzard, take notes. 

Don’t expect an awe-inspiring cinematic wonder. But some of the sweetest things in life are the simplest. So if you want a healthy dose of blood, gore, nudity, killer sharks, and over the top everything then look no further because the sky’s the limit with Sky Sharks.


7 out of 10


Sky Sharks
SKY SHARKS Trailer (2021)
Runtime: 1hr. 50 Mins.
Directed By:
Written By:

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