Indie horror filmmaker Chad Ferrin (ParasitesThe Ghouls, Someone’s Knocking at the Door) has debuted the first photos from his eighth film The Deep Ones. The film is a love letter to Lovecraftian horror with his original take on Rosemary’s Baby.  The film follows a married couple as their beachside dream home quickly becomes a nightmare. Mysterious cults, sea gods, and mysterious events make for anything but a relaxing vacation…unless you’re into that sort of thing.


Synopsis: After suffering an untimely loss, Alex (La Piana) and her husband Petri (Urb) visit California for a much-needed break from reality. At an unassuming rental, they meet the mysterious Russell Marsh (Miano). Marsh introduces them to the oddly enthusiastic locals, fixes them a lavish meal and invites them out on his luxury boat.  Little do they know that beneath Mr. Marsh’s thin veneer of avuncular charm lurks a dark devotion to an archaic evil.


When asked about the film director Chad Ferrin said, “H.P. Lovecraft must be smiling down on us as this has been the most blessed film experience of my 25 years of doing what I love. And I thank the cast and crew from the bottom of my heart for going above and beyond all expectations.” If that poster wasn’t ominous enough, here are some more stills from the upcoming film.


The Deep Ones


The Deep Ones stars Johann Urb (“Arrow”), Kurt Carley (the Underworld franchise), Kelli Maroney (Chopping Mall), Gina La Piana, Robert Miano, Jackie Debatin, Silvia Spross, Rachel Pringle, and Nicolas Coster. The film is set to premiere in 2020, the exact date is to be determined.

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