Natalie Rodriguez’s latest psychological horror feature, Inner Child, is set to delve into the depths of night terrors and the haunting shadows of the past. The film follows Cassie, a 20-year-old college student, as she battles severe sleep paralysis and disturbing dreams dominated by a dark, menacing figure.

Inner Child Sizzle
Securing Johnathon Schaech both as a talent and a producer, Inner Child boasts a compelling cast including Isabella Jaimie, Felissa Rose, and Scout Taylor Compton. The film explores Cassie’s journey with her therapist, Dr. Reid, as they uncover unsettling connections to her childhood traumas. Cassie’s struggle represents a gripping confrontation with her inner demons, offering viewers a mix of suspense and profound psychological insights.

With Natalie Rodriguez at the helm as director and producer, alongside a skilled crew featuring Jonathan Na as Director of Photography and Paul Wiley as Composer, the film is poised to captivate audiences with its eerie score and striking visuals. Inner Child is a horror film that is an exploration that challenges its protagonist to either succumb to her fears or break free from them.

Inner Child is in pre-production now.


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