This October, Terror Vault presents a brand new, immersive, terrifying experience written and produced by David Mazochi and Joshua Grannell (aka “Peaches Christ”). The Immortal Reckoning and Fang Bang are both located at the Old San Francisco Mint. The Granite Lady is the perfect location for this immersive, supernatural adventure. The colossal building is as haunting as it is beautiful; hidden behind its Greek-style architecture is a mysteriously dark interior.

Ticket pricing and opting-in for more scares

You can reserve general tickets for $60 per ticket. However, for an extra $5 per ticket, you can “opt-in” for more fun. Opting-in means you will receive a red glowstick necklace showing you agree to interact with the actors and environment of the haunt. Ticket holders who “opt-in” may be touched in a non-aggressive way, pulled away from their group, or even be isolated for part of the tour. You basically agree to be part of the show.

Opting-in is not for the faint of heart. But don’t worry, if you’re not wearing a glow necklace, you will not be touched. 

Scared? If at any time you feel you would like to change your mind, you may remove the necklace, drop it to the floor, and forfeit interactivity while you continue enjoying the show. BEWARE: there will be no refund if you forfeit.

Opting-in is worth every dollar

The $60 ticket price point is an excellent price for this interactive experience. The actors are committed to their roles, the sets are well-designed, and the storyline makes you feel like the protagonist of an 80s horror film. From beginning to end, the experience is approximately 45 minutes. It took my group precisely 52 minutes to survive The Immortal Reckoning.

I highly recommend opting in to interact with the actors and environment. The five extra dollars really heightens the experience. Five out of the eight members of our group chose to opt-in, and it was entertaining to watch everyone interact throughout the haunt, even for those who didn’t opt-in. It was a non-stop thrill of laughs and screams as our paranoid team turned each corner in anticipation of a fright.

The Immortal Reckoning

The story of the Blackwell family

The story centers around the infamous Blackwell family and their collection of mystical artifacts. The Old San Francisco Mint is the site of the grand opening of the Blackwell’s exhibition of rare artifacts, and you’re invited to take a tour and experience their magic for yourself as you’re transported into a different dimension.

Fang Bang

The beginning and the end of your adventure are located at the brand new pop-up bar, “Fang Bang,” a fully immersive 80s goth vampire bar. Fang Bang is a dungeon-like speakeasy with a new wave goth aesthetic. Fang Bang serves “Halloween-themed cocktails and tasty, bloody bites.” 

Please note: Fang Bang is open to the public with no cover during show operating hours.

However, those who purchase tickets to The Immortal Reckoning and choose to “opt-in” can continue to wear their glowing red necklaces to unlock enhanced interactivity with the vampires at Fang Bang. 

I was fortunate enough to be one of the lucky victims chosen by the vampires at Fang Bang. They plucked me from my group mid-conversation and took me into their lair. Without revealing any spoilers, let’s just say I got very up close and personal with the sexy vamps at the gothic bar. Yes, I admit it. I got Fang-Banged. And I have not been the same since…

After the show, I had the opportunity to speak to Joshua Grannell, the artist also known as Peaches Christ. As I congratulated Grannell on a wonderful production, one of his vampires walked by, grabbed my shoulder, and confessed to Grannell: “This one is a tasty one.”

Final thoughts (R.I.P)

“The Immortal Reckoning” is a top-tier haunted attraction. You can tell everyone worked hard to put this production together, from the committed actors in unique make-up to the realistic, cinematic sets. The special twist at the end of The Immortal Reckoning confirmed by thoughts throughout the experience; this haunt was put together by die-hard fans of horror and haunts. They know what they’re doing.

Not only is it one of the longest haunts I’ve experienced, but it might be my favorite. The immersive experience lasts 45 minutes, but the frightening fun continues at the Fang Gang bar. Even after nearly an hour of fun, I wanted more! 

Tickets are available until October 31, 2021:

Coming on Halloween Eve

Peaches Christ is hosting the TERROR BALL at The San Francisco Mint on the night of Halloween Eve, Saturday, October 30th. You can purchase a ticket for $150 that includes admission to “The Immortal Reckoning” with full interactivity AND access to the Terror Ball. Terror Ball will begin at 10 pm with an open bar, costume contest with a cash prize, live performances all night, and more. Only a limited number of tickets are available for this special, private Halloween soiree. Get them here: 

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