Horror can be predictable sometimes. Let’s face it. We’ve all called a plot twist or two. But every once in a while there is a film that truly surprises the audience (The Mist anyone?). Relaxin’ with Jackson is a short that surprises from the start. I had no idea this was not an actual episode of a YouTuber’s vlog until almost two minutes in. Once confusion subsided I was left with pure satisfaction. Relaxin’ With Jackson is filmed in such a way that you really believe that you are seeing an episode of a prominent YouTuber’s vlog. It’s that realism and believability that makes this short chilling. But it’s the music that makes it stand out.

What’s My Body, the song featured in the short, is an original track by Julian Winding. Throughout the short, we see the cinematography masterfully match the tempo and tone of the song. The music is quiet and slower during one of the most exciting and unsettling scenes, creating that sense of tension. Then moments later the song becomes much louder and increases in pace as Jackson takes off in a desperate sprint.

Relaxin’ with Jackson is a great and gruesome story is brought to life and put to an original and catchy song…all this in only six minutes! This is a short that is worthy of everyone’s time. And if that weren’t enough, the song is available on Spotify and Itunes for your listening pleasure so you can relive the mayhem in your car, at the gym, and at the office. Hats off to Greg Maziuk and Julian Winding for creating a synergistic approach to music release that is both unexpected and original.

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