In the heart of Los Angeles, a peculiar romance between the living dead and humans takes center stage in the horror zombie romantic comedy sequel, CHOLO ZOMBIES: MONSTRO. Directed by Eric Rafael Ibarra, this film delves into the tumultuous relationship between Monstro (played by the talented Vince Romo) and Vampz (portrayed by the captivating Loretta Vampz), set against a backdrop where zombies and humans navigate an uneasy truce.

Following its debut on the Latino-owned streaming service, ChicanoHollywood.TV, CHOLO ZOMBIES: MONSTRO has now shuffled its way onto mainstream platforms like Amazon Prime and Tubi, inviting audiences to witness the chaotic yet oddly endearing tale of love and survival. Recognized with the prestigious “Best Horror Movie” award at the Hollywood Global Film Festival, the film showcases Romo’s remarkable performance, earning him the title of “Best Actor.”

In this sequel, blood flows as zombies hunt for sustenance, only to face hurdles when regulations prohibit their feeding frenzy. Monstro finds himself entangled in a web of challenges as he endeavors to keep his family intact, particularly with the arrival of his zombie offspring, Monstra (played by Lilith Vampz). As the narrative unfolds, audiences are treated to a blend of savage carnage and twisted humor reminiscent of classics like “The Munsters” and “Beetlejuice.”

Under the direction of Eric Rafael Ibarra and Mark Newton, CHOLO ZOMBIES: MONSTRO offers a unique spin on the zombie genre, infusing elements of romance and comedy amidst the gory chaos. With a stellar cast including Carlos Carrasco, Wilson Ramirez, and Brian Eric Johnson, the film promises a rollercoaster ride of emotions as Monstro and Vampz navigate the challenges of undead parenthood.

As the second installment in a thrilling trilogy, CHOLO ZOMBIES: MONSTRO sets the stage for further undead escapades, with a third film, CHOLA ZOMBIES, already in the works. For fans craving a mix of horror, comedy, and romance, this film is a must-watch.

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