Mike McKown’s new thriller, Survival Knife, is set for release in January 2016, and it looks to be a fun little low-budget psychological revenge flick, maybe a cross between I Spit On Your Grave and Thriller – A Cruel Picture.

Danielle Donahue stars as the lone survivor of a serial killer’s attack who tries to cope with the death of her friends and her mutilation at the hands of the maniac – but she fears the trauma has awakened a dark side within her as she slowly becomes something possibly even worse than the man who scarred her forever.

Check out the trailer below!

SURVIVAL KNIFE - Official Trailer - Revenge Horror

About the Author

Mike Hansen has worked as a teacher, a writer, an actor, and a haunt monster, and has been a horror fan ever since he was a young child. Sinister Seymour is his personal savior, and he swears by the undulating tentacles of Lord Cthulhu that he will reach the end of his Netflix list. Someday.