Director Ray Izad-Mehr’s debut feature film, GUILLOTINE, is set to explore the dark side of humanity and the consequences of power throughout history. From the French Revolution to the fall of Saddam Hussein, the film examines the role of the iconic killing machine that has been used throughout history as a symbol of power.

“I witnessed a public execution when I was six years old in Iran,” says Izad-Mehr, who immigrated to the United States at the height of the Iran/Iraq War. “Shortly after, my father took me to see the film ‘Papillon’. The infamous Guillotine execution scene was unforgettable. What was it in us that could forgive violence committed on another human, if the killer’s arm is veiled in the cloth of a bureaucrat? It was something that was in the back of my mind while making this film.”

At times humorous and ironic, poignant and thoughtful, GUILLOTINE reflects the morality of their times, tracing the philosophical attitudes about capital punishment, and the power structure that allows it to be.

Iconic actor Sean Young (Blade Runner, Dune, No Way Out) has come on board to narrate the film, marking her first venture into the world of voice-over. “I was moved by the humanity and humor of the film. It takes a special vantage point to place these events in such a way so as to ignite the imagination and entertain without being preachy,” says Young. “Narrating this film really gave me a taste for doing more voice-over work.”

“The Guillotine is one of the most recognizable, and menacing tools ever created and yet has never really been featured on screen, until now. And what better place to bring it to market than in France,” says Giulia Prenna of Mind The Gap Film Productions & Sales who will be handling the sales.

GUILLOTINE Official trailer from Madam La Guillotine on Vimeo.

GUILLOTINE is produced by Ozon Films in cooperation with Throne Inc and produced by Ray Izad-Mehr, Sara Vahabi, Uriah Herr, and Tamas Birinyi.

Fans of historical dramas and true-crime stories are eagerly anticipating the release of GUILLOTINE, which promises to be a thought-provoking and entertaining film.

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