A mix of The Fly meets Evil dead II, this flick is a B movie for sure but it is intentionally so; I had no desire to eat cocoa puffs after watching though. The movie is based on a graphic novel by the same name, and the shots and lighting in it perfectly emulate a graphic novel. With a soundtrack that had me dancing as I watched, Corin Nemec’s performance as Rottentail is surprisingly decent. If you’re a fan of the comedic component to the Evil Dead trilogy like I am then this movie will make you giggle.

The movie opens with the exchange of some innocent bunnies into the hands of Mike the laboratory assistant who brings them down an elevator to sublevel labs. Just as Mike goes to knock on Peter Cotton’s (Corin Nemec) lab door, previously a storage room, the resident mad scientist, Doctor Stanley, (Gianni Capaldi) across the hall comes out looking for a wolverine he needed. With said Wolverine missing Doctor Stanley takes the bunnies and feeds them to his monstrosity, a super strong mutant rabbit, to intimidate Mike the lab assistant. After Stanley makes his exit Peter Cotton comes out of his lab looking for the rabbits that were for his infertility research holding a vial of suspicious glowing liquid.

Nemec portrays Peter as a meek and goofy little lab scientist no one cares about who was bullied as a child. I admire the use of props and environment to build his character too; down to the clothes iron burn mark on his lab coat, that tells me not only is he a geek that irons his lab coats, but he is absent-minded enough to let them burn as well. After an interaction with Doctor Stanley’s experiment though Peter is going through some changes, Peter Parker style, with a touch of Mr. Hyde.

While I enjoyed Nemec’s performance, (especially when his new persona takes over) the bit actors weren’t all the best and I can’t help but feel re-shooting one or two scenes would have made the movie that much more enjoyable. If you’ve just finished something truly dark and gruesome though, this movie makes for an excellent palate cleanser. While not exactly a feel-good movie, it hits the right spots for crude humor and excessive gore that isn’t too ridiculous.

After Peter receives a call from high school crush Anna, (Dominique Swain) to help take down his old school bully, pastor Jake Mulligan, (William McNamara) Peter wants to do what he can to help but is quickly mutating. With ongoing mutations and the military called in to help handle the situation, Peter is thoroughly distracted as he quickly turns into Rottentail. Gianni as Doctor Stanley plays the part of inflated ego-mad scientist well and gets in Peter’s way through roundabout means.

If you like vulgar humor and some gore director Brian Skiba brings us a delightful little watch with Rottentail. With some, erect scenes, shall we say? Splattering, splurting and gushing blood, and a little head chopping and crushing, this movie makes me think Brian is well on his way to making some cult classics. If you don’t like over the top vulgarity and gore I wouldn’t suggest it, but if you’re the type to enjoy facetious humor and goofy antics I say go for it.

Exclusive ROTTENTAIL Red-Band Trailer
Runtime: 1 hr. 46 mins.
Directed By:
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