There are few things more important in anyone’s life than their own home. If we don’t have the comfort of the four walls that protect us and allow us to be our true selves more than any other place, then do we have anything at all? In Make It Out Alive, a man discovers just how far he’ll go to protect what’s his in this short film written and directed by Christopher Flippo.

The movie opens with a scene showing a man whose name we never know (played by Geoff James) on the phone with his wife (Joanna Lewis), who is out of town on a business trip. The two have a brief but expositional conversation about their new home and the fact that he is alone, while we get a solid classic horror shot a la John Carpenter’s Halloween

It sets up the remainder of the short seven minute runtime by letting you know exactly what kind of story is about to unfold. The Husband is soon faced with a fight for not only his life, but also what’s most important to him. James’ performance is convincing as your typical suburban husband, which helps to assist in the unexpected right hooks the movie throws at the audience. The camera work and music also help to successfully create a haphazard feel. 

With the entirety of the film running less than ten minutes, it’s difficult to get a full grasp on the exact direction the creator was going for, as there are bits of comedy intertwined within the horror. On the flip side, that also makes it easy for the viewer to simply sit back and enjoy Make It Out Alive as a brief but entertaining short. 

7 out of 10

Make It Out Alive
Make It Out Alive - A Short Horror Film

Runtime: 7 Mins.
Directed By:
Written By:

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