Found Footage Dracula written and directed by Hunter “Bueller” Farris, is a short film that is edited together like a bunch of singular video vignettes revolving around the presence of a vampire. Obviously, the film is based on the genre of found footage. Around 3-4 separate storylines throughout the film that all relate to each other loosely.

I think there are some positive things to be said about this short film. I felt that most of the acting was actually very good. One character that really stood out was Renfield (R.J Hall). The actor had an interesting character choice and allowed it to take over him. It was a really refreshing part of the film as a few things made this movie hard to watch.

First, the film’s editing isn’t done with a lot of care. It just feels like a bunch of videos put next to each other without any solid transition. I think that this could have been fixed by changing the film either to all vertical or to all horizontal. I get that it is trying to make it seem like it is taken from social media, but it becomes a headache to watch after a while.

Another correction that probably could help the film is making it so the vampires can be seen with the camera. I understand the creative side to this choice based on the myth of the character, yet it just took away from the fear. I wasn’t interested when the camera was facing a living room, and a character was screaming in the background, yelling for the vampire to “get away.” I think that making the vampires visible to cameras could have given the actors and the directors a lot more room to work within character creation and make for more entertaining and fearful moments.

Overall, Found Footage Dracula is a great starting point for a short film. If developed more while also including a few minor changes to the film’s structure, it will be a much better film.


4 out of 10 Pretentious Broken Records


Found Footage Dracula
No Trailer Available
Runtime: 25 Mins.
Directed By:
Written By:


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