New doc from 1091 Pictures aims to take viewers into the “Most Disturbing” aspect of UFOlogy centers on a Colorado ranch with a mysterious history in On the Trail of UFOs: Night Visitors on April 5.

Do cattle mutilations still plague the American West? According to On the Trail of UFOs: Night Visitors, the latest documentary from Small Town Monsters, the phenomenon which was popularized through references in shows like “The X-Files” and “Unsolved Mysteries”, continues to this day. Today, cattle mutilations are thought to go hand in hand with mysterious objects in the skies (commonly referred to as UFOs or UAPs) and that’s what first brought indie documentary crew Small Town Monsters and investigator Shannon LeGro to the Miller Ranch in southern Colorado.

While filming this latest chapter in their series, LeGro and company found an unusual amount of activity centered around this particular ranch. Everything from

  • Odd lights seen in the air and on the ground
  • Unusual sounds
  • Enigmatic government black helicopters
  • Specific corners of the property that seemed to invite deadly accidents.

At the heart of all this bizarre activity was a series of cattle mutilations that truly call into question what is known about the topic of UFOs and little green men from outer space.

On the Trail of UFOs: Night Visitors debuts on major streaming platforms on April 5th, from 1091 Pictures, including iTunes, Amazon Prime Video, Vudu and FandangoNOW. The documentary promises to make viewers take a different look at the topic of UFOs. On the Trail of UFOs: Night Visitors is directed and produced by Seth Breedlove, produced by Heather Moser, and distributed by 1091 Pictures.

On the Trail of UFOs: Night Visitors - Trailer (new paranormal alien cattle mutilation documentary)

Available on Cable VOD and Digital HD from 1091 Pictures Beginning April 5

About the Author

Norman Gidney is a nearly lifelong horror fan. Beginning his love for the scare at the age of 5 by watching John Carpenter's Halloween, he set out on a quest to share his passion for all things spooky with the rest of the world.