We at HorrorBuzz LOVE indie horror. We are crazy about it. So when Night Creature Productions reached out to us to let us know about their latest project, Muerte: Tales of Terror, we were ready to sign right up and watch. The deal was sealed further by the cool poster we found on IMDB (below). Was there a trailer? You bet there was. and we have it for you here along with the said poster.

Synopsis: An anthology that tells four horror stories centered around a stolen “cursed” comic book.


Muerte: Tales of Horror Trailer
Okay so, evil? Check. Gore? Check. absolute comic book pulpy insanity? Damn right. Movies are made from sheer will power and the ability to convince the audience to join you on the journey. With little to no budget, the efforts only become that much more sincere and endearing. It is on the filmmakers to make it effective.  So, are we up to this? Oh yeah. You should be too. If you once bemoan the lack of originality coming from Hollywood you are obligated to reward the efforts of these indie horror movie makers by checking it out! Who’s with us?

Watch MUERTE: Tales of Horror now on Amazon


About the Author

Norman Gidney is a nearly lifelong horror fan. Beginning his love for the scare at the age of 5 by watching John Carpenter's Halloween, he set out on a quest to share his passion for all things spooky with the rest of the world.