HellBent Pictures is thrilled to announce the upcoming screening of the highly anticipated horror film, Abruptio. The film, directed by Evan Marlowe, is a unique blend of comedy, mystery, blood, action, and puppets, making it a first-of-its-kind surrealistic horror/thriller. The film will be screened at Cinejoy, the virtual version of Silicon Valley’s Cinequest, from March 1 to March 12, 2023.

Abruptio movie poster featuring life-sized puppets and A-list voice actors

Abruptio boasts an impressive cast of voice actors, including James Marsters (“Buffy the Vampire Slayer”), Hana Mae Lee (Pitch Perfect), Jordan Peele (Nope), Christopher McDonald (The Faculty), Robert Englund (A Nightmare on Elm Street), Darren Darnborough (“True Blood”), Rich Fulcher (“Rick and Morty”), and the late Sid Haig (House of 1000 Corpses) in one of his final roles. The combination of these talented actors and life-sized puppets creates an eerie and unforgettable cinematic experience.

Synopsis: The film follows the story of Les Hackel, a man who hates his life. After discovering a fresh incision behind his neck, Les is told by his friend Danny that someone has implanted a bomb in his neck. As the messages start coming in, Les is forced to carry out deadly missions with the help of oddball characters. The violence escalates as Les uncovers the clues revealing horrific plans to breed a monstrous race of beings.


Abruptio trailer from Evan Marlowe on Vimeo.

After years in production, Abruptio world premiered at the Santa Monica Film Festival and is now finally ready to be screened for a wider audience. The virtual screening at Cinejoy provides horror fans from all over the world with the opportunity to experience this unique and twisted film.

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