MONOCHROME, female serial-killer thriller from Thomas Lawes has been acquired by Gravitas Ventures.

The film features an amazing performance by BAFTA winner James Cosmo (“Game of Thrones”, BRAVEHEART). The film will be released on VOD and DVD on June 6th.

MONOCHROME  focuses on a disillusioned young woman who becomes a serial killer targeting wealthy land-owners, forcing a brilliant detective to use his unusual neurological condition to track her down.

The thriller stars Jo Woodcock (DORIAN GREY), Singer-songwriter Cosmo Jarvis, Patrice Naiambana (HIGHLANDER: THE SOURCE), Lee Boardman (JACK & THE GIANT SLAYER), Steve Jackson (“Coronation Street”) and Liz May Brice (ALIEN VS. PREDATOR).


About the Author

Rosalia likes to spend her nights watching Netflix or reading a good book. Her interest for horror came from a very young age. Her mother nurtured this obsession and she thanks her for it. She also thanks the film IT for her dislike for clowns. She is currently finishing her Bachelor Degree in Cinema and Television Arts and hopes to be behind the camera shooting the next big thriller.