The Light of the Moon is written and directed by Jessica M. Thompson and tells a beautiful story of a woman’s struggle in society after a devastating and crippling attack. The protagonist Bonnie played by Stephanie Beatriz and Matt, boyfriend, Michael Stahl-David deliver a raw and vulnerable performance that tugs at the soul.

The Light of the Moon follows Bonnie as she tries to find normalcy after she is raped walking home from a night of drinking with her co-workers. Bonnie tries to cope with the reality of what happened. Her relationship with her boyfriend begins to unravel and her friendships are tested. Her journey is a one many women unfortunately face everyday. The Light of the Moon captures the stages women go through when there life is derailed by one moment that many will never experience or understand.

The vulnerability of Bonnie is felt throughout the entirety of the film. The transition from Bonnie’s ‘normal’ life and after her attack is sadly simple. She was attacked and walked home. Her life was changed in the course of shear minutes. That scene personally was the hardest to sit through because it’s a hard pill to swallow especially as a woman myself.

I commend Jessica Thompson for telling a story that was helps and informs audience about the reality of rape. There were no outlandish scenes where things went flying everywhere and dramatic music played in the background. The story came from the actor’s performances and the story. The atmosphere was calm and normal, which added to the anxiety Bonnie felt when she could not cope with the reality of what occurred. It is raw, real, and uncensored.

The Light of the Moon is a captivating film that was beautifully done. The power of the message it sends is magnificent and captured my heart. The manner in which Bonnie decided to handle her situation speaks volumes to what it means to be a woman today. Sadly, we have to pick up the pieces and move with everyone else, but we do not have to do it alone. The Light of the Moon is an inspiring film that deserves respect.

If you are at SXSW there are Additional Screenings.

Monday, March 13 at 1:30PM – Alamo Lamar E
Thursday, March 16 at 3:30PM – Alamo Lamar D

The Light of the Moon

No Trailer Available

Runtime: 1hr. 30Mins.
Directed By:
 Written By:


About the Author

Rosalia likes to spend her nights watching Netflix or reading a good book. Her interest for horror came from a very young age. Her mother nurtured this obsession and she thanks her for it. She also thanks the film IT for her dislike for clowns. She is currently finishing her Bachelor Degree in Cinema and Television Arts and hopes to be behind the camera shooting the next big thriller.