Ever wonder what happened to Cain in the Bible?  Well, after several thousand years being disconnected from just about everyone and everything, he seems to be going through an mid (immortal) life crisis.   Maybe that’s why all the scum bags he encounters think they can take him for a ride. Oh yeah, he also has a daughter that he just met, just before she was kidnapped. He Never Died

So it’s an immortal version of Taken staring Henry Rollins, who remarkably seems more interested in playing bingo than enjoying all the time in the world.


The good news is that the movie looks quirky, fun, and definitely worth watching. The problem is that it needs funding to be released, and that is why they have turned to Indiegogo to crowd fund the films’ marketing and distribution.

They are trying to raise $50,000 dollars, and the perks they are offering are pretty cool:

  • $10 you can get a digital copy of the script (the first two chapters at first, the rest when the film is released in December)
  • $20 gets your name rolling in the credits. Yes, the chance to see your name flying by in the credits of a real  horror film
  • $25 gets you a digital download of the movie (again, in December, when it’s release)
  • And so on, all the way up to tickets to the premiere, dinner with the director, and more.

So take a look at their Indiegogo page, check out the trailer, and lets crowd fund the hell out of this original independent film. Tell me, what could possibly be more cool than helping a bad ass like Mr. Rollins?  Yeah, nothing.  Give them money.


About the Author

Victoria Susan (Vicks She/Her) is a lifelong horror fan. She also grew up in the amazing period of time in Southern California when Knott's Halloween Haunt was a regular event and became a true fan of the art and artistry of the haunt community. LGBTQIA+ you used to find her most every fall chasing Norm around with a Video Camera as Horrorbuzz.com's Video Director. Now relocated to Orlando, Florida - where the mazes are houses she enjoys the theme-park scares on the other coast. Still with a video camera in her hand.