In what looks like a fresh new take on found footage films, we have the French retro horror flick Cold Ground, now making the festival circuit. Set in the 70’s the movie has the look of being shot on grainy film, with pops and scratches a plenty. A series of cattle mutilations have occured on the French-Swiss border and a team sets out to investigate.

1976: Two young journalists leave for the French-Swiss border to investigate a strange case of cattle mutilations for French TV. Yet, once they get there, the scientific team they were supposed to meet has gone missing.

COLD GROUND (2018) Official Trailer HD Horror Movie

French Retro Horror movie COLD GROUND by Fabien Delage (Dead Crossroads, Fury of the Demon) is about to give you the shivers! Be sure to watch it in a festival near you while waiting for the North American release with Wild Eye Releasing in 2018. Check out the international festival dates and the new limited enamel Super 8 pin!

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You can check out the International Festival dates here.

About the Author

Norman Gidney is a nearly lifelong horror fan. Beginning his love for the scare at the age of 5 by watching John Carpenter's Halloween, he set out on a quest to share his passion for all things spooky with the rest of the world.