This May, prepare to explore the depths of cosmic horror with Zombie Joe’s Underground Theatre Group in North Hollywood, as they present ENTER THE VOID, created by Elijah Cunnally. For one exclusive weekend, this immersive theatrical experience will plunge audiences into the dark heart of a doomsday cult, the Union of the Void, dedicated to ushering in the universe’s demise through maximum entropy.

ENTER THE VOID is not just a play; it’s an invitation to live through the apocalyptic end as cultists weave their dark rituals to bring about universal destruction. Audiences will navigate a labyrinth of fear and awe, culminating in the heat death of the universe—a chilling portrayal of ultimate destruction only Zombie Joe’s can offer.

With limited availability and a promise of an intense, intimate experience, tickets for ENTER THE VOID: A Journey to the End of Everything are expected to sell out fast. Book early to guarantee your spot in this unique theatrical event.

TICKETS  Advance tickets $20 online / $25 at door

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