I’m back! Mommy Fearist here with a few more party ideas that are fun, inexpensive and great for October shenanigans with your monsters. Remember to choose just a few ideas that will cater to the age range of your guests while keeping the adults entertained as well.

Pin the Spider on the Web 

We took a large, white poster board and drew a large web that covered the entire thing. You can find small decorative spiders all over stores during September and October. Stick some gum adhesive on them and you have a fun game that is great for little ones. Don’t forget a bandana or some sort of mask to cover their eyes while they are stumbling around trying to find the center of the web.

During the 70s and 80s purchasing a halloween costume consisted of having to choose between some awful plasticized super hero or cartoon character smock and accompanying plastic mask that was more than likely painted with toxic lead paint. Kids would hope that the crude elastic string holding on the mask didn’t snap; leaving them with just some loud, hot, sorry excuse for a costume while roaming the streets with a pillowcase 1/4 full of candy. Then some bully would come along, steal what little candy you had and leave you crying on the curb. Meanwhile your friends would laugh at you and skip off to gather more Hershey’s Special Dark, little boxes of Nerds and Bottlecaps leaving you questioning why there are so many mean people in the world. It’s ok, years of intense therapy will eventually help.

But I digress.

My mom always made my costumes but for the kids that bought their costumes-they knew that choosing the plastic costume from the rack was an exciting and excruciating decision. The mask made the costume. So let your child relive the old days of Halloween and have them decorate their own masks! Dollar/discount stores usually stock plain masks for halloween (or Mardi Gras if you really like to plan ahead) You can set out markers, stickers, feathers, glitter, gory stuff, etc. Get creative and fun and the kids will do the same.

Cookie Decorating 
If you are lucky enough to have a grocery store with a decent bakery, inquire about plain sugar cookies in fun spooky shapes. Or if you are so inclined, feel free to transform your kitchen into the Keebler Elf Tree and get to baking! You can make your own or use pre-made white frosting, add some food coloring to create fun hues. Craft store popsicle sticks work great for application. Include plenty sprinkles, little candies, marshmallows, etc., anything that would make a kid’s eyes go googley and keep them occupied for a while. Plan ahead and have something for the edible works of art to be taken home in like plastic baggies or a small box. 1-2 cookies per child will help you determine how many you need. Cookie decorating was a hit at our Halloween party and allowed for the kids to indulge a little while letting out their inner pastry chef.

Bobbing for DONUTS
Bobbing for apples is just too disgusting. No one wants to dip their mouths into a vat of water mixed with everyone else’s saliva. No. Just NO! However, stringing up donuts on a length of butcher’s twine is sanitary and fun! Adults can get in on this too. Who doesn’t love a donut? And if you have to work for it then I’m pretty positive that the calories don’t count.

Haunted House “feel box”
This is great because you don’t need an elaborate set up. Cooked spaghetti worms, peeled grape eyeballs, wet sponge brains, fake spider webs, pipe cleaner spider legs, faux fur, carrots with oil rubbed on them for witch’s fingers….the possibilities are endless. Put each item in a box that conceals the contents, create an opening for a hand to reach in and watch your guests reel back in horror as they try to figure out what is inside. Don’t forget to leave the last one empty, make a hole in the back and have a trusted helper grab the guest’s unsuspecting hand to put the TRICK in TRICK OR TREAT!!!!!!

Festive music is always a must have for any Halloween party. Put together a “Spooky playlist” that mixes in classics with upbeat popular music to help the vibe move along at a snappy pace. Most of all, Halloween parties don’t have to break the bank. Pilfer your local dollar store and get creative. Happy haunting and may your party be a success!!!!

About the Author

Erin Jefferson-Foley (Mommy Fearest) is terrified of scary movies, gore and zombies. But she loves all things Halloween and Haunt related! Slowly but surely she has been dipping her toes into the realm of horror movies with great results. Pretty soon she will work her way up to watching a scary movie when it is dark outside. Erin has had a love affair with theme park Halloween events for the past 20 years. Her first time at an event was at Knott's Scary Farm in the late 80s when a family friend, a Knott's employee, escorted her into the park to watch Elvira and give her a behind the scenes tour. She was intrigued as she walked through the break room and realized that they were just people in masks and makeup. It seemed like only a short time later, Erin was performing for Halloween Haunt which led to her meeting the love of her life, her husband. Each year she cheers on her husband and his friends as they set up and run a home haunt. You can catch her helping with line control and repeating the same instructions over and over and over to the guests each night. She has been a professional dancer and actress for over 20 years. When she is not in the studio teaching dance or in her office writing, you can catch Mommy Fearest with her husband and two kids at various conventions throughout California. She enjoys Cosplay, Star Wars, Renaissance Faires, Halloween, haunted attractions, paranormal happenings, special effects makeup and horrible reality television shows.