I’ll be honest…I have a soft spot for the original Wolf Creek. It wasn’t a perfect movie by any means, but something about Mick Taylor struck me as interesting, and I was partial to his killing spree. Now, his story is expanded, in this Australian mini-series of the same name.

The show continues to show the trail of terror that Mick creates, while also introducing Eve, a final girl whose family was butchered by Mick. Over the course of six episodes, there is a cat and mouse game, as Mick continues his spree, and Eve tries to hunt him down for revenge. It’s as simple as it can get, really.

With only six episodes to work with, there really is no time for extra fat. Instead, while the show is enjoyable for the most part, I had a hard time staying interested at moments. Too many extra bits and not high enough stakes took me out of it. We all know, despite the bad situations we find her in, that Eve is going to survive until the end to confront Mick.

Wolf Creek - A Pop Television Event - Official Trailer

Wisely, Eve is shown as a flawed individual as well, giving her some depth. Sure, her family was murdered, but she also has tons of vices to try to forget along the way. Mick isn’t the only one after her, either, giving her a little more to do.

Meanwhile, Mick, who is played gleefully once again by John Jarratt, just continues on with his destructive life, not having a care in the world. I actually kind of loved that about him. Greg McLean, director of the original film, returns to direct an episode to help flesh out Mick’s story. While origin stories generally are cool, this one however left a lot to be desired, and was just about the only episode of the series I didn’t really enjoy.

The show looks fantastic, though, with wonderful cinematography throughout. It also has great acting, too. To the point where I was even surprised at points with how good it was.

At the end of the day, if you liked the original film, chances are you will like the show as well. The blunt and brutal violence of the film remains true to form here, and we get to see Mick let loose a bit more. The story telling may be a but uneven at times, but overall, it is at least worth a look.

If  you are in the Los Angeles area Screamfest is holding a FREE sneak peek screening of the first episode of Pop’s Wolf Creek hosted by the man himself, John Jarratt, known for his screen role as murdering psychopath Mick Taylor.

Get Your Tickets Now for A Bloody Good Time!

You can catch Wolf Creek on POP, where it is currently airing. Find out more at: poptv.com

About the Author

Jeff Heimbuch writes. A lot. On a variety of things and in different mediums. He also created the fiction podcasts LIGHT HOUSE and RETURN HOME (of which you can find both on all podcasting platforms), loves all things horror, works in social media, and is probably writing something right now. You can find him on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok at @jeffheimbuch.