Small Town Monsters has announced the official debut of their first miniseries, Seth Breedlove’s “On the Trail of Bigfoot”.  Shot throughout 2018, the six episode series was filmed in fourteen U.S. states and features over twenty interviews with witnesses, investigators, historians, and researchers on the American legend. “On the Trail of Bigfoot” walks viewers through the history of the Bigfoot phenomenon, starting with the earliest known reports of apelike creatures in the 1800s and bringing them all the way up to the modern day.

In “On the Trail of Bigfoot”, Seth Breedlove travels from coast to coast, visiting fourteen states, and interviewing two dozen individuals who take part in the hunt for what most people regard as a myth. Along the way, evidence is offered in the form of footprint casts, hair samples, strange recorded sounds and even video of what is purported to be a Bigfoot. From the forests of the Pacific Northwest to the hills of Pennsylvania, to deep southern swamps and the Ouachita Mountains of Oklahoma, Breedlove joins investigators seeking to prove the creature’s existence.

On the Trail of Bigfoot - Trailer #1 (Documentary Paranormal Monster Series)

Judging from its previews, this series looks enjoyable and intriguing for skeptics and Bigfoot enthusiasts alike. Breedlove reportedly experienced numerous strange incidents during filming, and even the non-believers who joined him were determined to find proof of (or disprove) the mysterious creature’s existence.

“On the Trail of Bigfoot” will premiere Friday, March 29th on Amazon Instant Video, Vimeo OnDemand, and VIDI Space, as well as DVD.

About the Author

From humble beginnings as a bisexual art kid who drank more coffee than a 40-year-old author, Remy now holds a BFA in Film Production from Chapman University and is a proud member of the HorrorBuzz team (and still a bisexual art kid who drinks too much coffee). They were first introduced to the world of horror and camp when their grandma showed them The Rocky Horror Picture Show at age 5, and never looked back. When they're not writing cartoons or working on movies, one can spot them in various clubs around Los Angeles performing very, very self-deprecating standup comedy. Howdy ho!