Someone recently asked me this question: “If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be?” I had answered with “my great-grandmother”, but my answer has definitely changed since my reflection of my conversation with Sylvia Plath in They Played Productions and Nothing in the Dark Productions’ WE SHOULD MEET IN AIR (WSMA). WSMA proved to be a bittersweet and altogether heartbreaking look into what the poet Sylvia Plath may have been feeling on her last birthday.

WSMA is a collaborative project between They Played Productions (Erik Blair and Thea Rivera) and Nothing in the Dark Productions (Stepy Kamei). This production is the first of They Played Productions “Inventions”, where the company works with other creators to produce various immersive works. WSMA is a 30-minute, live phone call with the late Sylvia Plath (played by Stepy Kamei) and is They Played Productions’ 10th live production. This experience was like soup for the soul in all the best ways. It explored how we may not truly know one’s struggles or the impact they have on the individual dealing with them. WSMA proved to be a wistful rumination on life and what drives us to make the decisions that we make.

I can genuinely say that WSMA seemed to have touched my soul. Kamei did a phenomenal job at portraying Sylvia Plath and managed to build a satisfying emotional connection within a short amount of time. By the end of the experience, I was left with a bittersweet concoction of optimism and sadness. As I wiped away tears, I reflected on my newfound appreciation for Sylvia Plath and the impact we have on others that extends far greater than the bounds we know. WSMA blew me away in terms of connection and emotion, and I would highly recommend checking out this experience. I absolutely loved my entire time using creativity to combat the harshest of wounds with Sylvia.

WE SHOULD MEET IN AIR runs on Thursday, Fridays, and Saturdays, now until April 30th. Tickets are $30 and can be purchased here!


About the Author

Linnea Swanson enjoys writing about things that scare her. When not writing, she enjoys reading and screaming into the void.