There are possessed toilets that kill people or something. There is a priest I think and a vet from Vietnam. They take a trip to the Vatican to combat the evil …. You know what? It doesn’t even matter. I had to research if this was the fourth installment, and it is. So, if you know of this series, you know what you’re getting into.

Let’s start with the basics, this is awful. The “story” is there but its more like a random patchwork of scenes without any clear idea of where its going. But even if there was a set structure, it wouldn’t help it feel like anything more than a stoners high school project. To be fair, this movie has a lot going on. Random tentacles? Check. Exploding toilets? Check. A lack of basic storytelling? Check.

The acting, if you want to call it that, is the better part of this. Simply because it seems that the two leads are having fun. Father Dingleberry (Isaac Golub) and Brett Baxter (Mike Hartsfield) are also the writers of this poop joke filled romp. They are revising their very same roles that were in the last three. Take that as you will. Like I said, as least it looks like they’re having fun.

The technical aspects of Death Toilet 4 are even worse than the plot and acting. There’s something to be said about making do with what you have, it just shouldn’t have been said here. The audio is muffled and sounds like it was recorded over Zoom with dial-up internet. Then we get to the visuals. The effects are hilariously bad. With the edits being incredibly rough and extensive use of freeze frame.

If there is a saving grace to Death Toilet 4, its that it’s less than an hour. But even that feels like 48 minutes too long. In all honesty, I couldn’t even recommend this to be watched as a bad movie drinking game as I would be afraid of the ensuing alcohol poisoning. Someone once said, “They were so focused on if they could, they never stopped to think if they should”. And here we are at the end, to be honest, this is one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen, and I understand that that is the point. So if that’s your jam, have at it. For everyone else, just no.


1 out of 10


Death Toilet 4: Brown Snakes on a Plane

Death Toilet 4: Brown Snakes On A Plane from Anhedenia Films On Demand on Vimeo.

Runtime: 55 Mins.
Directed By:
Evan Jacobs
Written By:
Evan Jacobs


About the Author

Nate Stephenson is a northern California native. His love horror and being scared runs deep. Gaming with his pups is where you'll find him on his downtime.