Cleopatra Entertainment has set a release date for their production DEVIL’S REVENGE, a new horror film directed by Jared Cohn. The film was originally written by William Shatner, with the screenplay written by Maurice Hurley. Starring Shatner, Jeri Ryan, and Jason Brooks, Devil’s Revenge will premiere theatrically at the Grand Gerard Theater in Toronto on October 1st.

The film follows a down-on-his-luck archaeologist returns from a cave expedition that contains a cursed relic that’s also a portal to Hell. He discovers that the only way to stop the curse on his family is to go back to the cave and destroy the relic.

Devil's Revenge (Official Trailer) [4K]

Okay, it looks pretty cheesy on just about every level that you would expect from a straight-to-video sci-fi movie. But the cast will likely draw the attention of Shatner/Star Trek fans and would be fun to watch while intoxicated.

Devil’s Revenge will be released on VOD platforms on October 1st, followed by a DVD and Blu-ray release on October 22nd. The film can be pre-ordered here:

About the Author

From humble beginnings as a bisexual art kid who drank more coffee than a 40-year-old author, Remy now holds a BFA in Film Production from Chapman University and is a proud member of the HorrorBuzz team (and still a bisexual art kid who drinks too much coffee). They were first introduced to the world of horror and camp when their grandma showed them The Rocky Horror Picture Show at age 5, and never looked back. When they're not writing cartoons or working on movies, one can spot them in various clubs around Los Angeles performing very, very self-deprecating standup comedy. Howdy ho!