Reel Nightmare, a.k.a Reel Nightmare: Book of Witchcraft, the story of three beautiful, vengeful witches summoned back to life after a skeptic young woman reads from their Necronomicon, has been released on Amazon, Amazon Prime (Free), Vimeo On Demand, and Blu-ray.

The film, which takes cues from Lovecraft’s universe and is set in modern-day New England, is written and directed by Armand Petri, It stars Madeleine Heil,  (Clowntergeist) Garrett Morosky, (Ballet of Blood) and Eliza Bone (The Nymph: Mermaid Horror). Information on all the ways to buy/rent Reel Nightmare are available on their website and you can save one dollar on Vimeo On Demand using promo code WITCHES through February 14th.

Reel Nightmare: Book of Witchcraft - Trailer (2017) Horror Movie [HD]

About the Author

Artist. Writer. Horror nerd. Your fear sustains me.